Labels:chat room | encyclical | fence | reckoner | sky OCR: Jacob research student an Princet ton nan a ofthe Bekenstein suggested that the ar entropy event horizon was a measure of th ng of the black hole. As matter cart rea ofits entropy fell into black hole. the the sum event horizon would go up. So that ick holes of the entropy of matter outside never go and the area of the horizons would down. 'ent the This suggestion seemed to pre being second law of thermodynamics fro er, there violated in most situations. Howe ias was one fatal flaw. If a black hole entropy then it ought also to have rticular temperature. But a body with certain temperature must emit radiation erience rate. It is a matter of common ex glows that one heats up a poker ina Piceton mater carr doun rent suggestior seemec scuar wdiation commmon